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Within China, this policy means mandatory study sessions on Communist ideology and the required download and use of smartphone apps that teach so-called “Xi Jinping Thought.” It also means complete Party control of all state media.[1] Outside sources of information are banned—from foreign newspapers to Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. All content generated within China is censored. It means jailing everyone from citizen bloggers, reporters, and lawyers to activists and religious believers for expressing any views contrary to the Party line.[2]

And indeed, just recently, between January 1 and April 4 of this year, nearly 500 individuals were charged with crimes just for speaking out about the Wuhan coronavirus, its effects upon the Party, and the Party’s cover-up of the disease.[3]

The Chinese Communist Party reinterprets religious texts, including the Bible, to support communist party ideology.[4] It locks up millions of Muslim Uyghurs and other minorities in reeducation camps where they are subjected to political indoctrination and forced labor, while their children are raised in Party-run orphanages.[5] For those caught up in

  1. The Guardian, “Xi Jinping Asks for ‘Absolute Loyalty’ from Chinese State Media,” February 19, 2016,
  2. Alexandra Ma, “Barging Into Your Home, Threatening Your Family, or Making You Disappear: Here’s What China Does to People Who Speak Out Against Them,” Business Insider, August 19, 2018,
  3. Bradford Betz, “China Has Arrested Hundreds for Speaking Out About Coronavirus, Reports Show,” May 13, 2020,
  4. Nectar Gan, “China’s Religion Chiefs to Double Down on Bringing Doctrine in Line with Socialist Dogma,” Novebmer 27, 2019,
  5. Sigal Samuel, “China’s Jaw-Dropping Family Separation Policy,” The Atlantic, September 4, 2018,