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The Chinese Communist Party is seeking leverage over individual Americans as well. The Party is collecting your most intimate data—your words, your actions, your purchases, your whereabouts, your health records, your social media posts, your texts, and mapping your network of friends, family, and acquaintances.[1]

The Chinese Communist Party accomplishes this goal, in part, by subsidizing hardware, software, telecommunications, and even genetics companies.[2] As a result, corporations such as Huawei and ZTE undercut competitors on price and install their equipment around the globe at a loss.[3] This has the side effect of putting out of business American manufacturers of telecom hardware and has made it very difficult for Nokia and Ericsson.[4] Why do they do it? Because it is not telecom hardware or software profits the Chinese Communist Party are after, it is your data. They use “backdoors” built into the products to obtain that data.

When the Chinese Communist Party cannot buy your data, it steals it. In 2014, the Chinese hacked Anthem insurance, collecting sensi-

  1. Samantha Hoffman, “Why You Should Worry if You Have a Chinese Smartphone,” October 26, 2019, Also see Emile Dirks and James Leibold, “Genomic surveillance,” June 17, 2020, Also see Danielle Cave, Samantha Hoffman, Alex Joske, Fergus Ryan and Elise Thomas, “Mapping China’s Tech Giants, April 18, 2019,
  2. On Chinese tech firms’ links to the Chinese Communist Party and government, see, for example, Dr. Christopher Ashley Ford, September 11, 2019, “Huawei and Its Siblings, the Chinese Tech Giants: National Security and Foreign Policy Implications,” Also see Chuin-Wei Yap, “State Support Helped Fuel Huawei’s Global Rise,” December 25, 2019,
  3. Brian Fung, “How China’s Huawei Took the Lead Over U.S. Companies in 5G Technology,” The Washington Post, April 10, 2019,
  4. Tarmo Virki, Angela Moon, “In Push to Replace Huawei, Rural U.S. Carriers Are Talking with Nokia and Ericsson,” Reuters, June 25, 2019,