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In addition to propaganda and influence operations, the Chinese Communist Party uses trade to coerce compliance with its dictates. When Australia called for an independent investigation of the coronavirus’ origins and spread, the Chinese Communist Party threatened to stop buying Australian agricultural products and to prevent Chinese students and tourists from traveling to Australia.[1] When Australia refused to relent, Beijing put these threats into force, imposing an 80% tariff on Australian barley exports.[2]

International organizations are also part of China’s plan. China has sought leadership positions within many global bodies.[3] China now heads four out of fifteen UN specialized agencies, more than the U.S., UK, France, and Russia, the other members of the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, combined.[4] The PRC uses these positions to force the international bodies to parrot Beijing’s talking points and to install Chinese telecommunications equipment in their facilities.

For example, since Houlin Zhao took his post at the International Telecommunications Union, he has aggressively promoted Huawei sales.[5] Secretary-General Fang Liu of the International Civil Aviation Organization has blocked Taiwan’s participation in General Assembly meetings and covered up a Chinese hack of the organization.[6] The

  1. Daniel Hurst, “Australia-China Trade Tensions Raise Fears Over Future of Agricultural Exports,” The Guardian, May 12, 2020,
  2. VOA News, “China Imposes Massive Tariffs on Australia Barley Imports, Sparking Fears of Trade War,” May 19, 2020,
  3. Tung Cheng-Chia and Alan H. Yang, “How China Is Remaking the UN In Its Own Image,” April 9, 2020,
  4. Courtney Fung, ShingHon Lam, “China Already Leads 4 of the 15 U.N. Specialized Agencies—and is Aiming for a 5th,” The Washington Post, March 3, 2020,
  5. Tom Miles, “Huawei Allegations Driven by Politics Not Evidence, U.N. Telecoms Chief,” Reuters, April 5, 2019,
  6. Gerrit van der Wees, “China Continues to Block Taiwan in the International Arena,” The Diplomat, May 18, 2017,