Page:Tupper family records - 1835.djvu/195

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��No. 1. [Translated from the Spanish. — See page 50.] " Dr. Francisco Altes, Vice-Secretary of the most excellent Constitutional Ayuntamiento of this city of Barcelona, capital of the province of Catalonia.

" I certify that in the dreadful conflagration which, on the 13 th instant so unfortunately broke out in the house of Dr. Juan Planas, in the street of Regomir, at the corner of that of Lignas, among all the worthy citizens, who with the greatest intrepidity impeded its progress, the young Englishman, Don Guillermo Tupper, out- shone in valour and heroism, — several times exposing his life to suffocate the flames, which would certainly have burnt down the whole barrier. And in order that the gratitude of the most excellent Ayuntamiento may be manifested in the most authentic manner for his resolute and beneficent courage, knowing how to appreciate so sublime an effort in favour of humanity, the present certificate is drawn out by order of their excellencies.

" Signed by my hand, and authorised with the common seal of my office.

"Francisco Altes, Vice-Secretary. "En Barcelona, February 17, 1821."

No. 2.

Extracts from Lieutenant Bowers Naval Adventures. — 2 vols., London, 1833.

"Chiloe, from its geographical position, good harbours, and numerous resources, in the hands of an enlightened and enterprising people, might soon become the key to the eastern part of the South Pacific

" San Carlos, the principal port, situated at the north-west extre- mity of the island, in latitude 41° 45' south, is of easy entrance in tolerably clear weather, and is a good harbour at all seasons, there being several anchoring grounds. Well defended by art not less

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