Page:Tupper family records - 1835.djvu/65

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wounds, appointed to the command of the Acorn, a new corvette of 18 guns, and the appointment was a flattering tribute to his bravery and sufferings, as well as the prelude of further promotion. The Acorn, built by Sir Robert Seppings as an experimental ship, and represented as a most perfect vessel of her class, foundered in a hurricane in the Gulf Stream, on the 16th or 17th April, 1828, while on her passage from Bermuda to Halifax, having never been seen or heard of since. That Captain Gordon outlived his wounds at Candia was deemed quite wonderful ; but as one ball lodged near the spine and could not be extracted, he was reduced in consequence from a remarkably active, athletic man, to a mere invalid, and his suffer- ings could have terminated only with his existence. A midshipman of the Sybille told the writer " that there was not a man on board the frigate who would not have run the gauntlet for Gordon."*" That ship had four lieutenants when her unfortunate rencontre with the Greeks took place, and the second, Lieute- nant J. O. Bliss, a very superior young man, was lost in the Acorn with Captain Gordon. They both sleep in the deep waters, and soon alas were they doomed to follow their brother lieutenant to that haven whence no voyager returns ! Hard was the fate of the victims, — peace be to their gallant shades !

��February, 1832.

��* Vide Appendix B, No. 4.

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