Page:Twenty remarkable passages in the life and prophecies of Mr Alexander Peden.pdf/13

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15. In the month of June, 1682. he was in the house of James Brown, in Paddockholm, above Douglas, John Wilson in Lanerk, was with him, who suffered martyrdom, in the Grass-market of Edinburgh, the next year, May 1683 He lectured at night upon Amos viii. and repeated these words in the 9th verse three times. And I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword. He laid his hands on the said John, and said, "John, have at the unhappy name of Stewarts! off the throne shall they go, if all the world should set side and shoulder to hold them on." Afterwards he broke out in a rapture about our Martyrs, saying, "They were going off the stage with with fresh gales and full sails, and now they are glancing in glory! Oif ye saw them! they would flee yo out of your wits." He again laid his hands upen the said John, and said, "Encourage yourself in the Lord, and hold him fast, John; for you'll win up yonder shortly, and get on your braws." That night he went to the fields. To-morrow, about six o'clock John went to seek him, and found him coming to the house. He said, "John, let us go from the house, for the devil is about it, and will take his prey with him." John said, "We will take breakfast ere we go, it is a question when we will get the offer again." He