Page:Twenty remarkable passages in the life and prophecies of Mr Alexander Peden.pdf/17

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his house, and there examined him; who, tho' he was a man of stammering speech, yet answered him distinctly and solidly; which made Claverhouse to ask at those whom he had taken to be his guides thro' the muirs, if ever they heard him preach? They answered, No, no, he was never a preacher. Claverhouse said, "If he has never preached, he has prayed." Then he said to John, "Go to your prayers, for you shall immediately die." When he was praying, Claverhouse interrupted him three times. One time that he stopt him, he was pleading that the Lord would spare a remnant, and not make a full end in the day of his anger. Claverhouse said, "I gave you time to pray, and ye are begun to preach." John turned about upon his knees, and said, "Sir, you know neither the nature of preaching nor praying, if you call this preaching." Then continued without confusion. When ended, Claverhouse said, "Take goodnight of your wife and children." His wife standing by, with a child in her arms, which she had to him, and another child of his first wife's, he came to her and said, "Now, Marion, the day is come that I told you would, come, when I spake first to you of marrying me." She said, "Indeed, John, I can willingly part with you." Then he said, "That is all I