Page:Twilight Hours (1868).djvu/230

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GO, light of life, thou hast my heart's deep blessing,
A whispered prayer, too fervent far to speak ;
Each sighing breeze shall be a mute caressing,
An earnest of my love, so strong, so weak ;
So strong, that by its power my spirit trembleth
At thine approach, within its inmost core ;
So weak, that nothing greater it resembleth
Than little ripples heard in ocean's roar.
It cannot change the things which bid us sever,
No matter at what cost of bleeding pain,
Which break the links that bound us so together,
And bid us sail apart upon life's main.
Yet, better so than constantly to meet thee
As light acquaintance, little loved or known,
To crush my heart that so it might not greet thee
In hand to hand, or word, or look, or tone.