Page:Two Magics.djvu/326

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"What do politics amount to, compared with religions? Parties and programmes come and go, but a duty like this abides. There's nothing you can break with"—she pressed him closer, ringing out—"that would be like breaking here. The very words are violent and ugly—as much a sacrilege as if you had been trusted with the key of the temple. This is the temple—don't profane it! Keep up the old altar kindly—you can't set up a new one as good. You must have beauty in your life, don't you see?—that's the only way to make sure of it for the lives of others. Keep leaving it to them, to all the poor others," she went on with her bright irony, "and heaven only knows what will become of it! Does it take one of us to feel that?—to preach you the truth? Then it's good, Captain Yule, we come right over—just to see, you know, what you may happen to be about. We know," she went on while her sense of proportion seemed to play into her sense of humour, "what we haven't got, worse luck; so that if you've happily got it you've got it also for us. You've got it in trust, you see, and oh! we have an eye on you. You've had it so for me, all these dear days that I've been drinking it in, that, to be grateful, I've wanted regularly to do something." With which, as if in the rich confidence