Page:Two Magics.djvu/360

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Cora took this in with deep thanks that gripped and patted her companion's hand. "You accept it more than gracefully. But if you could only make him———!"

Mrs. Gracedew was all concentration. "'Him'? Mr. Pegg?"

"No—he naturally has to accept it. But papa."

She looked harder still at this greater feat, then seemed to see light. "Well, it will be difficult—but I will."

Doubt paled before it. "Oh, you heavenly thing!"

Mrs. Gracedew after an instant, sustained by this appreciation, went a step further. "And I'll make him say he does!"

Cora closed her eyes with the dream of it. "Oh, if I could only hear him!"

Her benefactress had at last run it to earth. "It will be enough if I do."

Cora quickly considered; then, with prompt accommodation, gave the comfortable measure of her faith. "Yes—I think it will." She was quite ready to retire. "I'll give you time."

"Thank you," said Mrs. Gracedew; "but before you give me time give me something better."