Page:Two Magics.djvu/389

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parture quite as, on her attempt to quit him half an hour before, he had anticipated her approach to the stairs; and in this position he took no notice of her farewell. "I said just now that I had nothing to offer you. But of course I've the house itself."

"The house?" She stared. "Why, I've got it?"

"Got it?"

"All in my head, I mean. That's all I want." She had not yet, save to Mr. Prodmore, made quite so light of it.

This had its action in his markedly longer face. "Why, I thought you loved it so!"

Ah, she was perfectly consistent. "I love it far too much to deprive you of it."

Yet Clement Yule could in a fashion meet her. "Oh, it wouldn't be depriving———!"

She altogether protested. "Not to turn you out———?"

"Dear lady, I've never been in!"

Oh, she was none the less downright. "You're in now—I've put you, and you must stay." He looked round so woefully, however, that she presently attenuated. "I don't mean all the while, but long enough———!"

"Long enough for what?"