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have either the confidence to appear againſt our common ſafety, and be again an advocate for ſlavery; or the weakneſs to be deceived with contradictions dreſſed up in a popular ſtile, and well-turned periods: for if any one will be at the pains, himſelf, in thoſe parts, which are here untouched, to ſtrip Sir Robert's diſcourſes of the flouriſh of doubtful expreſſions, and endeavour to reduce his words to direct, poſitive, intelligible proportions, and then compare them one with another, he will quickly be ſatisfied, there was never ſo much glib nonſenſe put together in well-founding Engliſh. If he think it not worth while to examine his works all thro', let him make an experiment in that part, where he treats of uſurpation; and let him try, whether he can, with all his ſkill, make Sir Robert intelligible, and confident with himſelf, or common ſenſe. I ſhould not ſpeak ſo plainly of a gentleman, long ſince paſt anſwering, had not the pulpit, of late years, publicly owned his doctrine, and made it the current divinity of the times. It is neceſſary thoſe men, who taking on them to be teachers, have ſo dangerouſly miſled others, ſhould be openly ſhewed of what authority this their Patriarch is, whom they have ſo blindly followed, that ſo they may either retract what upon ſo ill grounds they have vented, and cannot be maintained; or elſe juſtify thoſe principles which they preached up for goſpel; though they had no better an
