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Of Civil-Government.

§. 15. To thoſe that ſay, there were never any men in the ſtate of nature, I will not only oppoſe the authority of the judicious Hooker, Eccl. Pol. lib. i. ſect. 10. where he ſays, The laws which have been hitherto mentioned, i. e. the laws of nature, do bind men abſolutely, even as they are men, although they have never any ſettled fellowſhip, never any ſolemn agreement amongſt themſelves what to do, or not to do: but foraſmuch as we are not by ourſelves ſufficient to furniſh ourſelves with competent ſtore of things, needful for ſuch a life as our nature doth deſire, a life fit for the dignity of man; therefore to ſupply thoſe defects and imperfections which are in us, as living ſingle and ſolely by ourſelves, we are naturally induced to ſeek communion and fellowſhip with others: this was the cauſe of men's uniting themſelves at firſt in politic ſocieties. But I moreover affirm, that all men are naturally in that ſtate, and remain ſo, till by their own conſents they make themſelves members of ſome politic ſociety; and I doubt not in the ſequel of this diſcourſe, to make it very clear.


Of the State of War.

§. 16.THE ſtate of war is a ſtate of enmity and deſtruction: and therefore declaring by word or action, not
