Page:Two contented cuckolds, or, Tit for tat.pdf/8

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Of which I am wondrous proud,
my wife to the same did agree,
And if liberty was not allow'd,
the d—l should have had her for me.

Oft-times have I crossed the seas,
where thundering cannons do roar,
But now I do live at my ease,
drinks humming good liquor galore;
I'll cast off my tarpouling rags,
and on with some clothes that are free,
My wife had abundance of bags,
or the d—l should have had her for me.

Her husband when he was alive,
he liv'd upon uſury then,
He made it his trade to contrive,
to cheat and defraud poor men,
But now he is laid in the dust,
and I am her young husband to be,
She shew'd me her riches at first,
or the d-I might have had her for me.

Old wives love men that are young,
young men love money like wife,
Court them with a flattering tongue,
and soon they'll surrender the prize.
Since it has been my prosperous lot,
I with her no more of ill,
I have gotten all that she had,
let her die as soon as the will.

F Ι Ν Ι S.