Page:Tycho brahe.djvu/399

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place which enters into the equations, so that the same doubtless also was the case with the other planets. Lastly, the recently noticed fact that the solar excentricity is only half as great as formerly believed, is referred to. A dedication to the Emperor from Tycho's heirs, a short notice to the reader (stating that the author had intended to write a preface on the utility and dignity of astronomy), and the privileges of the Emperor and James VI. were also printed, and the book was published in the autumn of 1602. The title is: "Tychonis Brahe Dani Astronomiæ instauratæ Progymnasmata. Quorum hæc Prima Pars de restitutione motuum Solis & Lunæ, Stellarumque inerrantium tractat. Et præterea de admiranda noua Stella Anno 1572 exorta luculenter agit. Typis inchoata Vraniburgi Daniæ, absoluta Pragæ Bohemiæ MDCII" (some copies have MDCIII). The book seems to have been printed in 1500 copies,[1] and most of these appear to have been afterwards sold to Gottfried Tampach, a well-known bookseller in Frankfurt, who, in 1610, issued the book with a new title-page and the beginning as far as p. 16 reprinted.[2]

The second volume of the Progymnasmata had, as we have seen, been quite ready since 1588, though Tycho had only presented a few copies to correspondents, and had intended to add an appendix on Craig's allegations about the parallax of comets. This he had never done, and the book was now published in 1603 with a new title-page, and a dedication to Barwitz from Tengnagel, as well as a preface to the reader.[3] Like the first volume, it was re-issued by Tampach in 1610 with a new title-page, and the first seven leaves (including Tycho's own preface) and the two last pages reprinted.[4] The issue of 1610 is generally found bound together with the first (and only) volume of the Epistolæ, printed in 1596, furnished with a new title-page, but retaining the original colophon. Tampach had probably acquired the stock of copies of the Epistolæ on the death of Levin

  1. Tycho inquired in January 1600 if he could get the sheets yet wanting printed at Görlitz in 1500 copies. Aus T. Brahe's Briefwechsel, p. 16.
  2. The misprints so far are corrected by the list of errata at the end of the book.
  3. The title is the same as given above on p. 163, except that instead of the last sentence it has: "Typis inchoatus Vraniburgi Daniæ, absolutus Pragæ Bohemiæ." The colophon is the vignette "Despiciendo svspicio," and underneath: "Pragæ Bohemorum. Absolvebatur Typis Schumanianis. Anno Domini MDCIII."
  4. The two volumes were reprinted in Frankfurt in 1648 with the title T. Brahei Opera Omnia. This is a very poor edition with very small print.