Page:Tycho brahe.djvu/45

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had only elapsed since the death of Melanchthon had deprived the University of an accomplished scholar as well as a faithful and indefatigable worker for the Reformed faith. There were still many men of celebrity following in their footsteps, and keeping up the high reputation they had made for the University. Mathematics were specially cultivated at Wittenberg, because, as the Statutes stated, without them Aristotle, "that nucleus and foundation of all science," could not be properly understood. At the instance of Melanchthon, two chairs of Mathematics were founded, "Mathematum superiorum" and "inferiorum," the holder of the former having to lecture on astronomy—that of the latter on algebra and geometry. To Danish students Wittenberg had since the Reformation been a favourite resort, and, among a number of young countrymen, Tycho Brahe also found his former tutor, Vedel, who had arrived a few months before. We do not possess any information as to how Tycho spent his time at Wittenberg; all we know is that he had the advantage of studying under the above-mentioned Caspar Peucer, Professor of Medicine and Physician in ordinary to the Elector of Saxony. This man, who was distinguished both as a mathematician, a physician, and a historian, had been invested with unusual authority over the University.[1] In the history of astronomy Peucer is known as the author of a few treatises, among which is one on spherical astronomy. Tycho, however, did not profit very much from Peucer's instruction, as the plague broke out at Wittenberg, so that he was induced to leave it on the 16th September, after a stay of only five months,[2]

  1. As Præceptor primarius totius Academiæ. We have already mentioned Peucer's subsequent misfortune. He died in 1602.
  2. Tycho probably remembered that the well-known astronomer Erasmus Reinhold, author of the Prutenic tables and professor at Wittenberg, had in 1553 vainly tried to escape the plague by flying from Wittenberg to Saalfeld, where he died.