Page:U.S. Department of the Interior Annual Report 1871.djvu/35

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United States, which also includes the cost of keeping prisoners, was transferred to the Department of Justice on the 1st day of July, 1870, the date when the law creating that Department went into effect, I respectfully suggest that additional legislation be had by Congress, with a view of transferring from the Secretary of the Interior to the Attorney General all supervision and control now exercised by the former over such convicts as come within the terms prescribed by the acts of Congress, respectively approved March 12, 1864, March 3, 1865, March 2, 1867, June 14, 1870, and by the act to establish in the District of Columbia a House of Correction for Boys, approved July 21, 1866.

It appears to me eminently proper that the Department that has the control of the fund out of which the expenses of keeping the United Stats prisoners are defrayed, should also have the power of making contracts and of exercising all such control over them as is now vested in the Secretary of the Interior; and for that reason the Department of Justice is the proper one to exercise such supervision and control. I hope, therefore, that Congress will, at its next session, take such measures as may be necessary to transfer to the Department of Justice the full control of matters of this nature.

In making appointments in the clerical force of the Department, strict attention has been given to the qualifications of applicants, no appointments being made to clerkships of any grade until the applicant has been subjected to an examination touching his fitness for the position. This course has had a beneficial effect in increasing the efficiency of the working force of the various bureaus, by giving to the service a much better class of clerks. Promotions have also been made for merit and efficiency, with like beneficial results. By a strict enforcement of the system of examinations now in use in the Department, with such improvements, from time to time, as experience will suggest, the service will be improved. This plan will be continued in this Department until a better is suggested.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Secretary of the Interior.

The President.