Page:U.S. Department of the Interior Annual Report 1873.djvu/19

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annual rate of $413,344.50; 20,946 applications of soldiers for increased pension, at an annual aggregate rate of $920,930.25; and 251 applications of invalid pensioners for restoration to the rolls, at an aggregate yearly rate of $12,868.92. The number of claims for increased invalid pensions of soldiers is greatly in excess of previous years, owing to the liberal provisions of the act of June 8, 1872; 15,505 claims, or more than three-fourths of the number above named, having been admitted under said act. During the same period 3,949 original pensions to widows, orphans, and dependent relatives of soldiers were allowed, at an annual aggregate rate of $520,802.07; 545 applications of the same class for increase of pension were admitted, at a total yearly rate of $20,108.87; and 73 applicants of that class were restored to the rolls, at an aggregate annual rate of $8,034. The whole number of Army claims for pensions, original, increase, and restoration, and exclusive of those of the war of 1812, which were allowed during the said year, was 32,186, and the annual amount of pension thus granted was $1,896,088.61. At the close of the last fiscal year there were borne on the rolls the names of 99,804 invalid military pensioners, whose yearly pensions amounted to $9,627,240.09; and of 112,088 widows, orphans, and dependent relatives of soldiers, whose annual pensions amounted to $13,962,764.39; making the aggregate number of Army pensioners 211,892, at a total annual rate of $23,590,004,48. The whole amount paid during said year to invalid military pensioners was $10,564,825,51, and to widows, orphans, and dependent relatives, $15,388,644.75; a grand total of $25,953,470.26, which includes the expenses of disbursement.

During the same year there were admitted 129 new applications for invalid Navy pensions, at a total yearly rate of $15,421; 239 applications of the same class for increase of pension, at an annual aggregate rate of $11,086; 1 application of that class for restoration to the rolls, at an annual rate of $48; 124 original applications of widows, orphans, and dependent relatives of those who died in the Navy, at an aggregate yearly rate of $20,184; 31 applications of the same class for increase of pension, at a total annual rate of $1,500; and 6 applicants of that class were restored to the rolls, at an aggregate annual rate of $1,200. The total number of Navy claims, original, increase, and restoration, admitted during said year, was 530, the annual pension thereby granted amounting to $49,439. At the close of said year there were borne on the rolls of Navy pensioners the names of 1,430 invalids, whose yearly pensions amounted to $150,537.75; and of 1,770 widows, orphans, and dependent relatives, at a total yearly rate of $280,550, making the whole number of such pensioners 3,200, at an aggregate annual rate of $431,087.75. The total amount paid during the last fiscal year to Navy invalid pensioners was $160,971.98, and to widows, orphans, and dependent relatives, $302,936.71, a total amount of $463,908.69.

Prior to June 30, 1873, 39,331 claims of survivors and of widows of