Page:U.S. Department of the Interior Annual Report 1873.djvu/93

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At the request of the Joint Committee on the Library, various imProvements have been made, under my supervision, at the Botanical garden.

The fence on Third street, from Pennsylvania to Maryland avenues, has, been raised to suit the new grade of the street, and a brick fence constructed on First street, between the same avenues. Gateways have been erected at the principal entrance on both these streets. The conservatory has been extended and finished, by the erection of the octagon at the eastern end. Forcing-houses, work and packing shops, have been erected on the square bounded by Maryland avenue, B, Second, and Third streets, in order to extend the working capacity of the garden.


At the request of the Attorney-General I have superintended the improvements recently made at the City Hall. The western court-room has been improved by the introduction of another furnace for heating, and the ceiling of the same room has been pierced to obtain ventilation. The exterior has been repainted and the roof thoroughly repaired; several ceilings in the upper story, which were damaged by the leaks in the roof, have been plastered. Both court-rooms, the judges' and the jury rooms have been put in good condition.

As this building is now wholly the property of the Government, and as additional room is required for the courts and record-offices, I recommend that this building be extended to suit the wants of the public business.


The improvements authorized by Congress have been made, and the entire building is now ready for occupancy, Steam-heating apparatus has been put in. and boiler and fuel-vaults constructed this season. To give this buildings respectable appearance the grounds should be graded in some places, and the street-fronts terraced and fenced.


Amount expended from June 30, 1572, to June 30, 1973.
Amount paid on rolls of mechanics, laborers, salaries, &c. $43, 447 86
Amount paid for paint and painting 4, 611 21
Amount paid for miscellaneous bills, such as lime, sand, cement, lumber, &c. 9,716 45
Amount paid for flagging and setting 2,200 00
Amount paid for iron an brass work 521 71
Amount paid for marble 135 19
Amount paid for hardware 1,891 95
Amount paid for gas-fitting and fixtures. 109 65
Amount paid for tiling 422 70
Amount paid for stone-work 149 00
Amount paid for forage for horses 450 26
Amount paid for material for heating and ventilsting 7, 526 05
Amount paid for boiler and water-tank 8, 330 00
Amount paid for fire-proof felting 742 50
Total 80,260 53
Cash account.
Amount available July 1, 1872 $7,000 00
Amount appropriated June 10, 1872 50,000 00
Amount appropriated March 3, 1573 91,000 00
Total 148. 000 00
Amount expended from July 1, 1872, to July 1, 1673 80,260 63
Leaving on the lst of July, 1873, an unexpended balance of 67,739 47