Chapter 9.
- SI—Systeme International d'Unités
- sic—thus
- sin—sine
- sinh—hyperbolic sine
- S.J. Res. (with number)—Senate joint resolution
- sonar—sound, navigation, and ranging (no period)
- SOP—standard operating procedure
- SOS—wireless distress signal
- SP—shore patrol
- SPAR—Coast Guard Women's Reserve (semper paratus—always ready)
- sp. gr.—specific gravity
- Sq.—square (street)
- Sr.—senior
- S. Rept. (with number)—Senate report
- S. Res. (with number)—Senate resolution
- SS— steamship
- ss—(scilicet) namely (in law) (see also sc.)
- SSA—Social Security Administration
- SSS—Selective Service System
- St.—Ste., SS., Saint, Sainte, Saints
- St.—street
- Stat.—Statutes at Large
- STP—standard temperature and pressure
- Sup. Ct.—Supreme Court Reporter
- Supp. Rev. Stat.—Supplement to the Revised Statutes
- Supt.—superintendent
- Surg.—surgeon
- Surg. Gen.—Surgeon General
- SW.—southwest
- S.W.2d—Southwestern Reporter, second series
- SWAT—special weapons and tactics (team)
- T.—Tps., township, townships
- tan—tangent
- tann—hyperbolic tangent
- TB—tuberculosis
- T.D.—Treasury Decisions
- TDY—temporary duty
- Ter.—terrace
- t.m.—true mean
- TNT—trinitrotoluol
- TV—television
- TVA—Tennessee Valley Authority
- uc.—uppercase
- UHF—ultrahigh frequency
- UMTA—Urban Mass Transportation Administration
- U.N.—United Nations
- UNESCO—United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
- UNICEF—United Nations Children's Fund
- U.S.—U.S. Supreme Court Reports
- U.S.A.—United States of America
- USA—U.S. Army
- USAF—U.S. Air Force
- U.S.C.—United States Code
- U.S.C.A.—United States Code Annotated
- U.S.C. Supp.—United States Code Supplement
- USCG—U.S. Coast Guard
- USDA—U.S. Department of Agriculture
- USES—U.S. Employment Service
- U.S. 40—U.S. No. 40, U.S. Highway No. 40
- USGS—U.S. Geological Survey
- USIA—U.S. Information Agency
- USMC—U.S. Marine Corps
- USN—U.S. Navy