Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/398

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Chapter 19

Salazar Snowe Voinovich
Sanders Specter Warner
Schumer Stabenow Webb
Sessions Stevens Whitehouse
Smith Sununu Wyden

Barrasso Cornyn Inhofe
Bunning Crapo Kyl
Burr DeMint
Coburn Enzi
Brown Kennedy Tester
Coleman McCain Thune
Ensign Murkowski Vitter
Graham Obama Wicker
Gregg Pryor

So the motion was agreed to.


The word with must always be used in pairs in the House, not and; and manuscript must be altered to conform thereto, as Mr. Smith with Mr. Jones—not Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones. Note use of lowercase for names in list of pairs in House.]

The Clerk announced the following pairs:

On this vote:

Mr. Abercrombie for, with Mr. Aderholt against.

Until further notice:

Mr. Baca with Mrs. Bachmann.

Mrs. Capps with Mr. Calvert.

Mr. Artur Davis of Alabama with Mr. Lincoln Diaz-Balart of Florida.

Mr. Ackerman with Mr. Young of Alaska.

Mr. HALL of New York, Mrs. DRAKE, Messrs. FOSTER, HILL, and ISRAEL changed their votes from "nay" to "yea."

So the bill was passed.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

Mr. BACA. Mr. Speaker, I voted, but, being paired with the gentlelady from Minnesota, Mrs. Bachmann, I withdraw my vote.

Mr. ARTUR DAVIS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I have a pair with the gentleman from Florida, Mr. Lincoln Diaz Balart of Florida, who, if present, would have voted "yea." I voted "nay." I withdraw my vote and vote "present."

[In House pairs do not use brackets when members are referred to by name. In Senate pairs observe the following use of brackets:]

Mr. DOMENICI (when his name was called). I am paired on this question with the senior Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Kennedy]. If he were here, I should vote "yea."


Mr. MURTHA. Ms. Speaker, I move a call of the House.

A call of the House was ordered.

The call was taken by electronic device and the following Members responded to their names:

[Roll No. 41]
Abercrombie Baird Berman
Ackerman Baldwin Berry
Allen Barrow Bishop (GA)
Altmire Bean Bishop (NY)
Arcuri Becerra Blumenauer
Baca Berkley Boren

[No reference will be made of the names of those not voting.]


[Always in roman lowercase, flush and hang 1 em, if more than two lines.]

H.J. Res. 2

Joint resolution authorizing the

Secretary of the Treasury to issue to the public 2 per centum bonds or

certificates, etc.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the …