Page:UN Security Council Resolution 1840.djvu/5

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S/RES/1840 (2008)

with emphasis on state capacity-building, and underlines the need for coordinated international support for Government efforts in this area;

13. Welcomes the imminent deployment of MINUSTAH’s sixteen maritime patrol boats in support of the Haitian National Police’s Coast Guard responsibilities in protecting and patrolling the maritime borders of Haiti;

14. Recognizes the need for MINUSTAH to continue its efforts to patrol along maritime and land border areas in support of border security activities by the HNP, and encourages MINUSTAH to continue discussions with the Government of Haiti and Member States to assess the threats along Haiti’s land and maritime borders;

15. Requests the United Nations country team, and calls upon all actors, to complement security and development operations undertaken by the Government of Haiti with the support of MINUSTAH with activities aimed at effectively improving the living conditions of the concerned populations and requests MINUSTAH to continue to implement quick-impact projects;

16. Condemns any attack against personnel or facilities from MINUSTAH and demands that no acts of intimidation or violence be directed against the United Nations and associated personnel or facilities or other actors engaged in humanitarian, development or peacekeeping work;

17. Welcomes the steps taken towards the reform of rule of law institutions, requests MINUSTAH to continue to provide necessary support in this regard, and encourages the Haitian authorities to take full advantage of that support, notably in modernizing key legislation and in the implementation of the justice reform plan, the establishment of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, the reorganization and standardization of court registration processes and the management of cases, and the need to address the issue of prolonged pretrial detentions;

18. Encourages also the implementation of the strategic plan of the National Prison Administration, and supports the strengthening of the Mission’s capacity, as referred to in paragraph 42 of the Secretary-General’s report (S/2008/586), in particular to address prison overcrowding, and requests MINUSTAH to remain engaged in supporting the mentoring and training of corrections personnel and strengthening of institutional and operational capacities;

19. Requests MINUSTAH to continue to pursue its community violence reduction approach, including through support to the National Commission on Disarmament, Dismantlement and Reintegration and concentrating its efforts on labour-intensive projects, the development of a weapons registry, the revision of current laws on importation and possession of arms, reform of the weapons permit system and the promotion of a national community policing doctrine;

20. Reaffirms MINUSTAH’s human rights mandate and calls on the Haitian authorities to continue their efforts to promote and protect human rights, and calls on MINUSTAH to continue to provide human rights training to the HNP and other relevant institutions, including the correctional services;

21. Strongly condemns the grave violations against children affected by armed violence, as well as widespread rape and other sexual abuse of girls, and requests MINUSTAH to continue to promote and protect the rights of women and