Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 3.pdf/37

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Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités

Two. The experts, as a result of the examination and valuation of the claims and counter-claims referred to in paragraph one, shall determine the compensation to be paid and, in the event of a balance, shall fix the form of payment.

Three. The joint report of the experts shall be binding on the Government of Mexico and on the Companies mentioned in paragraph one.

Four. The experts shall make their joint report not later than three months from the date of this note. If, at the end of three months from this date, the experts have not made a joint report all agreements made under the terms of this note shall come to an end and the rights and liabilities of the Government of Mexico and of the Companies shall be the same as if none of these agreements had been made.

Five. The report of the experts referred to in the present note shall remain in suspense and shall not come into effect until agreement is reached on the value of the properties and rights of the Cia. Mexicana de Petróleo "El Aguila", S.A., the Cia. Naviera "San Cristóbal", S.A. and the Cia. Naviera "San Ricardo", S.A., in accordance with the agreement of today between the Government of the United States of Mexico and the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the Netherlands providing for the valuation of certain petroleum properties in the United States of Mexico.

Six. The Government of Mexico and the Companies shall settle in the agreement all questions of procedure which may arise in connection therewith.

I have the honour of informing Your Excellency that the Netherlands Government have taken due note of the above arrangement.

I avail myself of this occasion to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.


His Excellency
Don Francisco Castillo Nájera,
Minister for Foreign Affairs,
México, D. F.

Nº 22