Page:US Copyright Office - Renewal Registrations - 1950.djvu/25

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COLETTE CRIES "HELP!" by H. C. McNeile; illustrated by W. R. S. Stott. (In Pearson's magazine, Nov. 1922) © 24Apr23, (pub. abroad 28Oct22, AI-4810), A707020. R61770, 27Apr50, Violet Evelyn McNeile (W)

THE COLLECTED NOVELS AND STORIES OF GUY DE MAUPASSANT, translated and edited by Ernest Boyd. © Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (PWH)

Boule de suif and other stories. © 22Sep22, A686725. R56327, 15Dec49.
Mademoiselle Fifi and other stories. © 22Sep22, A686726. R56328, 15Dec49.

COLLIER (P. F.) and Son Corporation. SEE

Bare-handed selling. R56811.
Chemistry, the science of matter and its changes. R63391.
The new world atlas and gazetteer. R59015 ...
Psychology, the science of human behavior. R63390.
Reynolds comprehensive atlas and gazetteer ... R59016 ...
The world's great events. R63387.


The hottentot. R56727.

COLLINS, Archie Frederick. SEE

The radio amateur's handbook. R62125.
Wonders of chemistry. R62136.


The log of the Speejacks. R59154 ...

COL. WM. F. CODY, by Robert Lindneux.

[Buffalo Bill, astride white horse; horse standing on brow of hill north-west of Cody, overlooking the town; Cedar and Rattlesnake mountains in background] © 18Mar22, G65236. R59553, 9Mar50, Robert Lindneux (A)
[Bust, 1914, showing 3/4 face, right side] © 18Mar22, G65235. R59584, 9Mar50, Robert Lindneux (A)

COLOR CEMENT-HANDICRAFT, by Pedro J. Lemos. © 13Jul22, A681087. R63393, 21Jun50, Pedro J. Lemos (A)

THE COLOR OF HONOR, by Richard Connell. (In Black mask, June 1, 1923) © 15May23, B577378. R63260, 13Jun50, Louise Fox Connell (W)

THE COLOR OF THE EAST, by John Russell. (In Harper's bazaar, Apr. 1923) © 25Mar23, B573142. R62971, 5Jun50, John Russell (A)

COLUI che ruba. SEE He who steals. R57570.

COLUM, Padraic. SEE

The children who followed the piper. R61262.
Dramatic legends and other poems. R61268.

COMMERCIAL ATLAS OF AMERICA, by Rand, McNally and Company. 54th ed. © 27Jan23, A698149. R59921, 15Mar50, Rand, McNally & Co. (PCB)

COMMERCIAL EDUCATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS, by Cloyd Heck Marvin. © 11Nov22, A690330. R56706, 4Jan50, Cloyd H. Marvin (A)

COMMERCIAL LAW, by Wayne C. Townley. © 18Aug22, A686131. R56699, 4Jan50, Wayne C. Townley (A)

THE COMMUNICATING DOOR, by Wadsworth Camp. Front. by M. Leone Bracken. © 18May23, A705602. R62512, 22May50, Madeleine B. Camp (W)

CONNELLY, Marcus Cook. SEE

Helen of Troy, N. Y. R62782.
The man who could imitate a bee. R61902.
The martyr of mystery. R61898.
A New York knight. R61906.
The nine who vanished. R61900.
A nose for news. R61899.
Once a sloganeer. R61912.
A reputation. R61668.
Rev. Pendlebury's past. R62223.
The swamp angel. R61907 ...

CONNELL, Richard Edward. SEE

The Arabian knight. R63259.
The battle of Washington Square. R63261.
The color of honor. R63260.
The crime of a bungler. R61897.
Fists. R61904.
Hands across the dumb-waiter. R62222.
A house in the country. R61905.
A little service, please. R61901.
Lobster thermidore. R61903.

CONKLIN, Edwin Grant. SEE

The direction of human evolution. R61975.

CONGRATULATIONS; is it a girl; a poem, by L. Stewart Barr. © 10Nov22, A697288. R63708, 26Jun50, L. Stewart Barr (A)

CONFRONTING YOUNG MEN WITH LIVING CHRIST, by John R. Mott. © 9Jun23, A704876. R63505, 22Jun50, John R. Mott (A)

THE CONDUCT OF AMERICAN FOREIGN RELATIONS, by John Mabry Mathews. (The Century political science series) © 12Jan22, A653540. R56729, 28Dec49, John Mabry Mathews (A)

CONDE Nast Publications, inc. SEE

House and garden.
Vanity fair.

CONCERT PIANO PIECES THE WHOLE WORLD PLAYS, containing 44 compositions, selected and edited by Albert E. Wier. (Whole world series, no. 21) © 26Jan23, A696295. R60433, 4Apr50, Broadcast Music, inc. (PWH)

THE CONCERT, by Edna St. Vincent Millay. (In Poetry, May 1923) © 21Apr23, B575723. R63841, 26Jun50, Edna St. Vincent Millay (A)


The tenth woman. R62509.

COMPOSITION FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS, by Joseph M. Thomas, Frederick A. Manchester and Franklin W. Scott. © 3Oct22, A686076. R61265, 21Apr50, Joseph M. Thomas (A), Frederick A. Manchester (A) & Ethel F. Scott (W)

COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC, by William M. Tanner. © 27Nov22, A696263. R56642, 3Jan50, William M. Tanner (A)

THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE, edited by James A. Harrison and R. A. Stewart, with introd. by Charles W, Kent. © on new matter; 28Aug22, A681958. R62132, 11May50, Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (PWH)

COMPLETE DIGEST OF ALL LAWYERS REPORTS ANNOTATED, from 1 L.R.A. to L.R.A. 1918 F, in 10 v. v. 5-9. © 9Aug22, A677891; 28Aug22, A681616; 17Nov22, A690271; 15Jan23, A692942; 11Apr23, A705020. R61779, R61782, R61789, R61792, R61798, 28Apr50, The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Co. (PCW)

COMO DIOS NOS HIZO, comedia en 3 actos y en prosa de Manuel Linares Rivas. © 30Dec22, D63831. R63747, 28Jun50, Luisa de Urcola (W), José Linares Rivas Soujol (C)

A COMMUNICATION FROM ARCHY, by Don Marquis. (In the New York tribune, Mar. 26, 1923) © 26Mar23, B562145. R60234, 28Mar50, Bernice Maud Marquis (E)


Tide rips. R59091.


A handbook of cookery for a small house. R59891.


A handbook of cookery for a small house. R59891.
Outside literature. R59175.

CONSTANTINUS I, the Great, Emperor of Rome. SEE

The treatise of Lorenzo Valla on the Donation of Constantine. R61871.

CONTACT AND OTHER STORIES, by Frances Noyes Hart. © 18May23, A705696. R62513, 22May50, Edward H. Hart (Wr)

CONTACTS WITH NON-CHRISTIAN CULTURES, by Daniel Johnson Fleming. © 27Apr23, A704430. R61920, 3May50, Daniel J. Fleming (A)

CONTEMPORARY ONE-ACT PLAYS, with outline study of the one-act play and bibliographies, by B. Roland Lewis. © on introds., bibliographies, etc.; 9Jun22, A674639. R61974, 28Apr50, B. Roland Lewis (A)

CONTRABAND, by Clarence Budington Kelland. © 1Mar23, A698503. R60292, 31Mar50, Clarence Budington Kelland (A)

THE CONTROL OF WAGES, by Walton Hamilton and Stacy May. © 25May23, A704704. R62717, 29May50, Stacy May (A)

CONWELL, Russell Herman. SEE

Maxims of life and business. R62857.

COOK, Mildred Emily. SEE

The adoration of the kings and shepherds. R63352.


Plain Jane. R61888.

THE COOK'S WEDDING AND OTHER STORIES, from the Russian of Anton Chekhov. Constance Garnett, translator. © 21Mar22 (pub. abroad 2Feb22), A659245. R59404, 13Mar50, David Garnett (C)

COOLS, Eugène. SEE

Le jugement de Midas. R59093.
Souper de noël. R60801.

COOPER, Courtney Ryley. SEE

The white desert. R57787.

COOPERATIVE MARKETING, THE GOLDEN RULE IN AGRICULTURE, by Herman Steen; with an introd. by Samuel R. Guard. (American Farm Bureau Federation library) © 11Jun23, A752154. R63509, 23Jun50, Herman Steen (A)

COPPÉE, Francois. SEE

The Lord's prayer. R57548.

CORMACK, Beale, pseud. SEE Hare, Walter Ben.

THE CORNER HOUSE GIRLS ON PALM ISLAND, by Grace Brooks Hill; illustrated by Thelma Gooch. (The Corner House girls series) © 30May22, A661893. R57519, 23Jan50, Grace Brooks Hill (A)

CORPUS JURIS, edited by William Mack, William Benjamin Hale and Donald J. Kiser. © The American Law Book Co. (PWH)

v. 29. © 13Nov22, A690474. R57278, 16Jan50.11