Page:US Senate Report on CIA Detention Interrogation Program.pdf/129

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Nashiri,[1] Ramzi bin al-Shibh,[2] Asadallah,[3] Mustafa al-Hawsawi,[4] Abu Khalid,[5] Laid bin Duhman aka Abu Hudhaifa,[6] Abd al-Karim,[7] Abu Hazim,[8] Sayyid Ibrahim,[9] Abu Yasir al-Jaza'iri,[10] and Suleiman Abdullah.[11] In every case except al-Nashiri, the unauthorized

  1. Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was subjected to unapproved nudity and approximately two-and-a-half-days of sleep deprivation in December 2002, with his arms shackled over his head for as long as 16 hours. See email from: [DETENTION SITE BLUE]  ; to:  ; subject: EYES ONLY – [ ] ONLY – MEMO FOR ADDO/DDO; date: January 22, 2003.
  2. The facial hold was used against Ramzi bin al-Shibh multiple times without approval. See   10415  ;   10429 (101215Z FEB 03);   10573 (241143Z FEB 03);   10582 (242026Z FEB 03);   10591 (252002Z FEB 03);   10602 (262020Z FEB 03);   10633 (011537Z MAR 03); and   10704 (071239Z MAR 03).
  3. Interrogators used water dousing, nudity, and cramped confinement on Asadallah without having sought or received authorization from CIA Headquarters. Bathing detainees did not require authorization by CIA Headquarters; however, as described in CIA cables, the application of "bathing" in the case of Asadallah was done punitively and was used as an interrogation technique. Nudity was also used in conjunction with water dousing/bathing and later as an interrogation technique, without approval from CIA Headquarters. See   34241  ; and   34310  .
  4. Mustafa al-Hawsawi was subjected to water dousing without approval from CIA Headquarters. See   (081207Z APR 03).
  5. Interrogators used sleep deprivation against Abu Khalid prior to seeking authorization from CIA Headquarters, and then failed to obtain such authorization. See   35193  ; and   35341  . Abu Khalid had been in CIA custody for 17 days prior to the use of the technique. Advance authorization from CIA Headquarters was therefore "feasible," and thus required under the guidelines.
  6. Abu Hudhaifa was subjected to baths in which ice water was used, standing sleep deprivation for 66 hours that was discontinued due to a swollen leg attributed to prolonged standing, nudity, and dietary manipulation. (See email from:  ; to: [REDACTED],  ,  ,  , and  ; subject: our telecom; date: March  , 2004; CIA Office of Inspector General Report; 2005-8085-IG;   39098  ;   39042   MAY 03); and   39101   MAY 03).) No request or approval for the use of standard or enhanced interrogation techniques could be located in CIA records.
  7. Abd al-Karim, who suffered from a foot injury incurred during his capture, was subjected to cramped confinement, stress positions, and walling despite CIA Headquarters having not approved their use. See DIRECTOR    MAY 03); and DIRECTOR    .
  8. Abu Hazim, who also had a foot injury incurred during his capture, was subjected to walling, despite CIA Headquarters having not approved its use. (See   36908  ; and   37410 (291828Z APR 03).) Nudity, dietary manipulation, and facial grasp were used on Abu Hazim at least 13 days prior to receiving approval. See   37411 (291829Z APR 03);   37410 (291828Z APR 03);   37493  ; DIRECTOR    MAY 03).
  9. CIA cables indicate that Sayiid Ibrahim was subjected to sleep deprivation from January 27, 2004, to January 30, 2004, which exceeded the 48 hours approved by CIA Headquarters. See HEADQUARTES   (272155Z JAN 04);  1303  JAN 04);  1298  JAN 04);  1303  JAN 04);   1311  JAN 04).
  10. During March 2003 interrogations at DETENTION SITE COBALT, Abu Yasir al-Jaza'iri was "bathed," a term used to describe water dousing, which was considered at the time to be an enhanced interrogation technique. (See   35558   MAR 03).) Water dousing had not been approved, and the subsequent request, by DETENTION SITE BLUE, to use the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques on al-Jaza'iri, did not include water dousing. See   10990  
  11. Interrogators requested approvals to use the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques on Suleiman Abdullah, including water dousing. CIA Headquarters then approved other techniques, but not water dousing. (See   36559  ; DIRECTOR    .) Suleiman Abdullah was nonetheless subjected to water dousing. See   37177  .

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