Page:US Senate Report on CIA Detention Interrogation Program.pdf/84

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(TS// //NF) The CIA's CTC Renditions Group began preparing for the first CIA interrogator training course in August 2002—during the period in which Abu Zubaydah was being interrogated using the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques at DETENTTON SITE GREEN.  , the CIA's chief of interrogations,[1] and  , the CIA officer with OTS who had spent   years as a SERE Instructor with JPRA, led the interrogation training. The first interrogation training, conducted with the assistance of JPRA personnel, occurred from November 12, 2002, to November 18, 2002.[2] The class included eight students who were seeking to become CIA interrogators and three students seeking to support the CIA interrogation process.[3] The CIA training program involved 65 hours of instruction and training on the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques, including at least two interrogation techniques whose legality had not been evaluated by the Department of Justice: the "abdominal slap" and the "finger press." Although a number of personnel at CIA Headquarters reviewed the training materials, there are no CIA records of any CIA officer raising objections to the techniques being included in the syllabus.[4]

6. Despite Recommendation from CIA Attorneys, the CIA Fails to Adequately Screen Potential Interrogators in 2002 and 2003

(TS// //NF) On November  , 2002, after the completion of the first formal training class,  CTC Legal,  , asked CTC attorney   to "[m]ake it known that from now on, CTC/LGL must vet all personnel who are enrolled in, observing or teaching – or otherwise associated with – the class."[5]   added:

"Moreover, we will be forced to DISapprove [sic] the participation of specific personnel in the use of enhanced techniques unless we have ourselves vetted
  1. December 4, 2002, Training Report, High Value Target Interrogation and Exploitation (HVTIE) Training Seminar 12-18 Nov 02 (pilot running) at 4. See also email from:  ; to: [REDACTED], [REDACTED],  ; subject: Formation of a High Value Target Interrogation team (describing initial training plan and requirements); date: August 30, 2002, at 8:30 AM.
  2. December 4, 2002, Training Report, High Value Target Interrogation and Exploitation (HVTIE) Training Seminar 12-18 Nov 02 (pilot running).
  3. December 4, 2002, Training Report, High Value Target Interrogation and Exploitation (HVTIE) Training Seminar 12-18 Nov 02 (pilot running), at 15.
  4. See, for example, email from:  ; to:  , [REDACTED]; subject: HVT training; date: October 10, 2002; email from: [REDACTED]; to:  ; cc:  ,  , [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED]; subject: HVT training; date: October 10, 2002; November 1, 2002, Memorandum for: Director, DCI Counterterrorist Center, from  , Chief, Renditions Group, CTC, re: Request for use of Military Trainers in Support of Agency Interrogation Course, REFERENCE: Memo for D/CTC from C/RG/CTC, dtd 26 Aug 02, Same Subject.
  5. Email from:  ,  CTC/LGL; to: [REDACTED]; cc: Jose Rodriguez, [REDACTED], [REDACTED],  ; subject: EYES ONLY; date: November  , 2002, at 03:13:01 PM. As described above, Gul Rahman likely froze to death at DETENTION SITE COBALT sometime in the morning of November  , 2002.  's email, however, appears to have been drafted before the guards had found Gul Rahman's body and before that death was reported to CIA Headquarters. See [REDACTED] 30211  , describing the guards observing Gul Rahman alive in the morning of November  , 2002. Gul Rahman's death appeared in cable traffic at least   after  's email. No records could be identified to provide the impetus for  's email.

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