Page:Ulysses, 1922.djvu/549

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The uninvited. By virtue of the fifth of George and seventh of Edward. History to blame. Fabled by mothers of memory.

private carr

(To Cissy Caffrey.) Was he insulting you?


Addressed her in vocative feminine. Probably neuter. Ungenitive.


No, he didn’t. The girl’s telling lies. He was in Mrs Cohen’s. What’s up? Soldiers and civilians.

cissy caffrey

I was in company with the soldiers and they left me to do—you know and the young man ran up behind me. But I’m faithful to the man that’s treating me though I’m only a shilling whore.


(Catches sight of Kitty’s and Lynch’s heads.) Hail, Sisyphus. (He points to himself and the others.) Poetic. Neopoetic.


She’s faithfultheman.

cissy caffrey

Yes, to go with him. And me with a soldier friend.

private compton

He doesn’t half want a thick ear, the blighter. Biff him one, Harry.

private carr

(To Cissy.) Was he insulting you while me and him was having a piss?

lord tennyson

(In Union Jack blazer and cricket flannels, bareheaded, flowingbearded.) Their’s not to reason why.

private compton

Biff him, Harry.