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United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

Preamble 21
Part I. Introduction 22
Article 1. Use of terms and scope 22
Part II. Territorial sea and contiguous zone 23
Section 1. General Provisions 23
Article 2. Legal status of the territorial sea, space over the territorial sea and of its bed and subsoil 23
Section 2. Limits of the Territorial Sea 23
Article 3. Breadth of the territorial sea 23
Article 4. Outer limit of the territorial sea 23
Article 5. Normal baseline 23
Article 6. Reefs 23
Article 7. Straight baselines 24
Article 8. Internal waters 24
Article 9. Mouths of rivers 24
Article 10. Bays 24
Article 11. Ports 25
Article 12. Roadsteads 25
Article 13. Low-tide elevations 25
Article 14. Combination of methods for determining baselines 26
Article 15. Delimitation of the territorial sea between States with opposite or adjacent coasts 26
Article 16. Charts and lists of geographical coordinates 26
Section 3. Innocent passage in the territorial sea 26
Subsection A. Rules applicable to all ships 26
Article 17. Right of innocent passage 26
Article 18. Meaning of passage 26
Article 19. Meaning of innocent passage 27
Article 20. Submarines and other underwater vehicles 27
Article 21. Laws and regulations of the coastal State relating to innocent passage 27
Article 22. Sea lanes and traffic separation schemes in the territorial sea 28
Article 23. Foreign nuclear-powered ships and ships carrying nuclear or other inherently