Page:Unclos e.djvu/201

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Annex VI

Resolution on development of national marine science, technology and ocean service infrastructures

The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea,

Recognizing that the Convention on the Law of the Sea is intended to establish a new regime for the seas and oceans which will contribute to the realization of a just and equitable international economic order through making provision for the peaceful use of ocean space, the equitable and efficient management and utilization of its resources, and the study, protection and preservation of the marine environment,

Bearing in mind that the new regime must take into account, in particular, the special needs and interests of the developing countries, whether coastal, land-locked, or geographically disadvantaged,

Aware of the rapid advances being made in the field of marine science and technology, and the need for the developing countries, whether coastal, land-locked, or geographically disadvantaged, to share in these achievements if the aforementioned goals are to be met,

Convinced that, unless urgent measures are taken, the marine scientific and technological gap between the developed and the developing countries will widen further and thus endanger the very foundations of the new regime,

Believing that optimum utilization of the new opportunities for social and economic development offered by the new regime will be facilitated through action at the national and international level aimed at strengthening national capabilities in marine science, technology and ocean services, particularly in the developing countries, with a view to ensuring the rapid absorption and efficient application of technology and scientific knowledge available to them,

Considering that national and regional marine scientific and technological centres would be the principal institutions through which States and, in particular, the developing countries, foster and conduct marine scientific research, and receive and disseminate marine technology,

Recognizing the special role of the competent international organizations envisaged by the Convention on the Law of the Sea, especially in relation to the establishment and development of national and regional marine scientific and technological centres,

Noting that present efforts undertaken within the United Nations system in training, education and assistance in the field of marine science and technology and ocean services are far below current requirements and would be particularly inadequate to meet the demands generated through operation of the Convention on the Law of the Sea,

Welcoming recent initiatives within international organizations to promote and coordinate their major international assistance programmes aimed at strengthening marine science infrastructures in developing countries,

1. Calls upon all Member States to determine appropriate priorities in their development plans for the strengthening of their marine science, technology and ocean services;

2. Calls upon the developing countries to establish programmes for the promotion of technical cooperation among themselves in the field of marine science, technology and ocean service development;