Page:Unconventional Warfare Pocket Guide.pdf/18

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UW Pocket Guide


  • Promote New Government Legitimacy
  • Transition from SOJTF to Security Forces Assistance (SFA)
  • Demobilize and Integrate Guerrilla Forces, Underground and Auxiliary
  • Provide Civil-Military Operations (CMO) Support to New Government
  • MISO Themes Promote and Reinforce Civil Governance
  • Be Prepared to Conduct FID/COIN
  • Shadow Government and Government-in-Exile Transition Responsibility for Civil Governance

Coordinating Foreign Disclosure and Release of U.S. TTPs

The sharing and release of information to a resistance or other partners is part of the planning process for UW campaigns. Training, advising, and accompanying elements of a resistance will expose US TTPs, including sensitive and protected methods, to foreign nationals, and the effects of providing or withholding this information should be a deliberate decision.

Release, Transfer, and Export of Special Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. The release of classified military information (CMI) is governed by U.S. Law. Official government unclassified information must also be reviewed before disclosure to the public. Requests for information from the public, citing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), are processed through FOIA channels. Requests for information from foreign governments through government channels are processed by the USSOCOM Foreign Disclosure Officer (FDO).

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR). The OPR for Unconventional Warfare (UW) is the USSOCOM J3X UW/PE Branch. Release of information regarding the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP), and doctrine for Special Operations (SO) capabilities associated with the conduct of UW is prohibited without the written consent of the USSOCOM OPR.

Request for release, transfer and export of SO TTP's will comply with USSOCOM Directive 350-27. The International Programs Branch (SCSO J32-IP) is the USSOCOM OPR for SO TTP Transfers. Proposed transfers are considered on a case-by-case- basis, in consultation with the UW OPR, and supported by USSOCOM when the transfer results in tangible and direct benefit to U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives. Request for release, extraction or dissemination of UW or associated TTP's are processed through the UW OPR.