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UW Pocket Guide

Michael Collins (1996)
Biopic of Michael Collins, Irish revolutionary, veteran of the Easter Rising (1916) against the British Army, and leader of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921). Details Collins' role in the development of the IRA's anti-British guerrilla tactics; his emergence as one of the era's preeminent Irish political leaders and a key architect of the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty; and his death during the Irish Civil War (1922-1923).

Farewell to the King (1989)
A U.S. military deserter takes refuge among Dayak tribesmen in Borneo during World War II (1939-1945). After being named king of the tribe, the deserter is approached by British forces who aim to stage a guerrilla resistance struggle against the Japanese, who have occupied Borneo. The deserter mobilizes his tribe in the anti-Japanese struggle.

Red Dawn (1984)
This Cold War classic tells the story of a rag-tag group of Colorado high school students who take to the hills to wage a guerrilla insurgency against the Soviet-Cuban-Nicaraguan military forces who have invaded the continental United States, initiating World War III. Fighting behind enemy lines, living off the land, and using stealth and maneuverability, the kids manage to severely disrupt a much larger conventional military's campaign of occupation.

The Dogs of War (1980)
James Shannon, an American Vietnam War veteran working as mercenary, is hired by a British corporation to assess the fictional resource-rich West African country of Zangaro in order to determine the stability of the regime and the country's foreign investment potential.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Englishman who led Arab Bedouin fighters against Ottoman Turkish military forces during World War I (1914-1918). Fluent in Arabic and an expert in Bedouin and Muslim culture, Lawrence lived among the Bedouin and managed to unite various warring tribes, leading them in a guerrilla campaign against the Turkish army.

The Special Operations Executive 1940 - 1946
What was the foundation of the underground army that helped turn the balance of power during World War Two? The agents of the SOE demonstrated tremendous courage, and enjoyed many successes, in their guerrilla war against Hitler's forces. This is their amazing story.


Area Command- In unconventional warfare, the irregular organizational structure established within an unconventional warfare operational area to command and control irregular forces advised by Army Special Forces. It denotes the resistance leadership that directs, controls, integrates, and supports all resistance activities in the area of operations (AO). (ATP 3-05.1)