Page:Under Dewey at Manila.djvu/114

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"Come, boys, tumble up lively now, unless you want to spend the next week in sail-sewing!" cried Cal Vincent, the boatswain of the Columbia. "There's a storm a-brewing, and the old man reckons as how it will be best to take in a little sail to onct!"

While listening to the interesting talk of the missionary, Larry had noticed the sky growing darker, and he leaped up with alacrity, for he remembered that it was the neglect to shorten sail in time on board of the Rescue which had caused the bark to strain and open some of her seams. Besides, if there was one thing he detested on shipboard, it was to sit down with a heavy sailor's needle and assist at sail-mending.

"I don't reckon it's going to be much, but still one can't allers tell," remarked Luke Striker, as he came tumbling out of his berth, where he had been