Page:Under Dewey at Manila.djvu/153

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in Larry, after a pause. "Let us take a look into the hut."

"Beware of spiders and centipedes," said Vincent, warningly. "Those creatures in these parts are not to be trifled with." And he broke off a bush branch with which to clear the doorway.

"Oh! Look out!"

Several uttered the words simultaneously, and on the instant there was a wild scattering in every direction. Bang! went Tom Grandon's rifle, but the shot failed to hit its mark. The weapon was hurled to the ground, and the mate of the Columbia did not stop running until he was knee-deep in the surf before the hut—to which all of the others had led the way.

For from the interior of the shelter had glided a huge snake, brown in color, with black spots and yellow rings, and a long oval head, in which were set a pair of beady, angry eyes. The reptile was all of twelve feet in length, and thicker than a man's arm, and it came forth so rapidly and unexpectedly that for the moment every one in the party was paralyzed with fear. It reached to within a yard of Larry before the lad saw it, and the back-