Page:Under Dewey at Manila.djvu/223

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ship signalled forth the command, "Prepare for action!"

What a hurry and bustle ensued! Men came rolling from their hammocks and ran, but partly-dressed, to their stations, bugles sounded over the waters, there came the rattle of chains and the rumble of heavy machinery, and in two minutes could be seen the dancing red and white light signals from this and that boat: "We are ready for action."

"That is as it should be," said the commodore. He was greatly pleased, and felt more confident than ever of the men under him.

It was on the day following that the lookout in the foretop announced a strange object in sight.

"It looks like an upturned boat with two men clinging to it," he called down to the officer of the deck. "It's almost dead ahead."

Powerful glasses were turned upon the object, and Larry and Striker were made out long before they themselves knew that they were seen.

As the Olympia was steaming for the unfortunates there was no need to give directions to change her course. When it was seen that they were waving frantically with their hands and with a jacket, the