Page:Under Dewey at Manila.djvu/266

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craft mentioned put on extra steam, and in a short while were lost to sight in the distance.

"They are out on a scout," announced Striker. "Nothing like being careful, you know. There's a bay ahead, and they are no doubt under orders to search it."

Striker's surmise was correct. The opening ahead was that of Subic Bay, a number of miles west of the bay of Manila. The Boston and Concord were to examine every corner and shelter of it carefully, and hurry back at the first sign of the enemy. Later on the Baltimore joined her two sister ships.

"If the Spanish fleet is in Subic Bay, we'll have some fun getting at them," Larry heard one of the sailors say. "The water there is mighty shallow in spots, and rocks are there a-plenty."

"Yes, and it's likely if the Dons are there they'll plant some shore batteries, and give us the hottest kind of a plunging fire," added another. "Splice the anchor chain, but I hate a plunging fire," was added with a growl. All sailors hate such a fire, coming from an elevated battery capable of throwing shot and shell directly down upon a vessel's deck.

The hours passed slowly, until, towards evening,