Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/170

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Pasig River to Caloocan. The line was much broken, and in one or two spots the insurgents frequently showed themselves within three miles of Manila! And this after four months' battling to drive them away!

"With practically the whole of the island to fall back upon, outside of Manila province, it was no wonder that the rebellion continued to nourish. All the natives were in sympathy with the Filipino soldiery, only passing for amigos when it became necessary to do so, and consequently any neighborhood could be levied upon for support by Aguinaldo and his followers. Rice was plentiful, and the average native can live as well on this food as can a Celestial. The hot-headed and patriotic but misguided leaders had sworn never to surrender, and so the contest went on.

"Something must be done to drive away the rebels on the south side of the city," said one of the American leaders, and on June 10 General Lawton was called upon to organize another campaign, which he did with the brigades under Generals Wheaton and Overshine, which included the regiment to which Ben and Gilbert Pennington were attached.

"We are off again!" cried Ben, when, on hearing the news, he told Larry and Gilbert, "And Major