Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/172

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the expedition, which was being kept a secret, so that the Tagal spies in Manila might not carry the news to their friends. As old readers know, Gilbert was first lieutenant of Company B of the regiment, and consequently his duties were numerous in seeing that the command was ready to start at the time specified.

"Poor Gilmore, it's too bad he's got to be left behind," said Ben, when they were ready to start. "But it's a comfort to know that he is on a fair road to recovery."

The start from Manila was made on a clear day, and all the soldiers were in the best of spirits. Soon the route step was ordered, and as the men strode along to suit themselves Major Morris sided up to Ben.

"Captain, I've got a surprise to spring on you," he said, after speculating upon the results of the campaign then opening.

"What kind of a surprise?"

"I've been talking the matter over with Lieutenant Pennington, and he has concluded to do as I intend doing."

"Well, what are you going to do?"

"We want you and Larry to go in with us," con-