Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/214

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scratched my arm, but I planted my blade directly through his shoulder. He is good for several months in the hospital."

Upon returning to the field where the wounded man lay, it was learned that he was Captain Cansario, one of Adoz's private staff,—a villain who had long been wanted by the Spanish government for unlawful appropriations of public funds.

The others of the party soon put in an appearance. Casey had received a slight wound in the shoulder, while Carl Stummer had nearly ended his life by a tumble into a hidden well.

"Put've scattered dem Filibinos, I can tell you dot," said the German soldier. "Ve kill more as a tozen of dem."

As the fisherman could not be found, the party had to row themselves back to Candaras, which was no mean thing to do, for they had to guess at the direction in which the village lay. The major ordered the party to wait until dark, fearing that some insurgents might be at the village to give them a surprise. But none of the enemy turned up, and by daybreak the next day the major's party was safe back in camp with their prisoners.

The capture of the notorious General Adoz and