Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/305

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mand, and was at once taken to Inez Garabella's residence. When able to speak, he told how he had been attacked in the heart of the mountains by a small detachment of Filipinos under the leadership of a Spanish general.

"I was shot down, and the young sailor was made a prisoner," said the old guide, in his native tongue. "They took him to the southeastward."

This was translated to Ben, and he asked if the guide knew who was in charge of the party. He was much astonished to learn that the Spaniard had been General José Lupez.

"My old enemy!" cried Ben to Gilbert. "I wonder what he will do when he finds out that Walter is my brother?"

"I am afraid it won't help Walter any," responded the Southerner, sadly. "But brace up, Ben; we've found out that he is alive, and that's something. Perhaps he'll come out of this scrape with a whole skin, after all."