Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/325

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Batangas, they were to board a small native ship and sail for Panay, another of the islands, where both felt they would be free from molestation, no matter what happened to the rebel cause in Luzon.

"José is afraid that the Filipino cause is lost," said Marbon. "He says he was a fool to buy a generalship in the army."

"Has he the money which was stolen by his brother?" questioned Ben, with deep interest.

"Benedicto said he had something like thirty-five thousand dollars in American money. The rest was spent."

"How did Benedicto and you hear from this José Lupez?"

"Through a native—one of the men who helped to steal the uniforms."

"Was it this native who helped you to escape from the prison?"

"Yes. He gave the keepers cigars which were heavily drugged and which made them stupid for hours. It was a clever scheme."

"Where do you think Benedicto Lupez is now?"

"Undoubtedly on his way to Neritas—if he can steal his way through the American lines."

"One thing more. Did you hear Benedicto Lupez