Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/333

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and both fired their weapons as often as did anybody. The light was uncertain, and it was largely a go-as-you-please encounter. The cracking of rifles was incessant, and presently hand-to-hand encounters became numerous.

Ben's eyes were wide open for a sight of José Lupez, and before long he saw both José and Benedicto sneaking behind some trees, in an endeavor to get out of the encounter entirely.

"See, there they go!" cried the young major. "They are trying to escape. Come, Larry!" And away he sped, with Larry at his side and a dozen from the ranks following. A number of shots whistled around the Americans, and Ben was grazed in the side. Then our friends let drive several times in rapid succession, and Benedicto Lupez was seen to pitch over on his side. He had been struck in the heart and was dead before the others reached him.

But José Lupez kept on, and now he was joined by several others, including Captain Relosus. The Filipino sharpshooter was aware that the fight was going against his side, and was willing to do anything to save himself from being shot down or captured.

"They are going to get away if they can!" ex-