Page:Under the Gaslight.djvu/26

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Peach. (With an air.) What's he going to do in half an hour?

Laura. He's going to take me away with him for a little while, Blossom, and while I'm gone, I wish you to be a good girl, and watch the house, and take care of it till I return.

Peach. I don't believe it. You won't return. (Crying.) That's what our Sal said when she went off with her young man, and she never came back at all. You shan't go; I hate him. He shan't take you away.

Laura. Blossom! (Who is getting ready, putting her hat on, &c.)

Peach. I don't care. If you go away, I'll go away; I'll bite and scratch him if he comes back. (Fiercely tearing up the paper and envelopes.) Let him come back. Let him dare come back.

Laura. Blossom, you're very wicked. Go into the corner this minute and put your apron over your head.

Peach. (Crying at Laura's feet.) O, please, Miss Nina, let me go with you, and I'll be so good and not say a word to any one. Do let me go with you. Let me ask him to let me go with you. (Figure passes the window.) Here he is; I see him coming.

Laura. Run! run! open the door. (Peach runs to door; throws it open, disclosing Byke.) (Exclamation of horror from Laura.)

Byke. (Advancing.) Ah, my dear little runaway! Found you at last,—and just going out. How lucky! I wanted you to take a walk with me.

Laura. Instantly leave this place!

Byke. How singular! you are always ordering me out, and I am always coming in. We want a change. I will go out, and I request you to come with me.

Laura. Blossom, go find an officer. Tell him the wretch is insulting me.

Byke. Blossom? ah,—exactly! Here you, Judas! (Judas appears at door, down L. H.) (Peach crosses to Laura, R.)

Judas. O, Miss, save me!

Byke. (Throws Peach over to Judas, L.) Take care of that brat. And as for you, daughter, come with me.

Laura. Daughter!

Byke. Yes; it is time to declare myself. Paternal feeling has been too long smothered in my breast. Come to my arms, my child, my long-estranged child! (Takes out dirty handkerchief and presses his eyes with pretended feeling.)

Laura. God! is there no help coming? (She attempts to escape. Byke seizes her.)

Byke. What, unfilial girl! You take advantage of a father's weakness, and try to bolt! (Clutching her by the arm.) Come, go with me; and cheer my old age. Aint I good, to take you back after all these years?

Picture.—Quick Curtain.