Page:Under the Gaslight.djvu/36

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der where I can find a boat. There ought to be plenty tied up about here. My eye! (Discovering Byke's) Here's one for the wishin'; sculls too. I'm in luck. Say, Bermuda whose boat is this?

Ber. Yours, if you like. Tie it loose.

(Jumps down, enters boat, pushes off towards R.

Ber. (Inside.) Keep your toe out of my ear!

(Pause.) [Byke, Laura, and Judas, enter on pier from L.

Laura. Is this the place? There is no one here; you have deceived me.

Byke. Well, we have but we won't do so any longer.

Laura. What do you mean?

Byke. (Drawing pistol.) Do you see this? It is my dog Trusty. It has a very loud voice and a sharp bite; and if you scream out, I'll try if it can't outscream you. Judas, unfasten the boat.

Laura. What are you about to do? You will not murder me?

Byke. No; we only mean to take you to the other shore, where your friends won't think of finding you. Quick, Judas.

Judas. The boat's gone.

Byke. Damn you, what do you mean? Where is it? Here; hold her. (Judas clutches Laura.) Where the devil is that boat?

Snorkey. (Re-appearing in boat from R.) Here!

Byke. Snorkey! We're betrayed. Come. (Drags Laura towards L.)

Snorkey. The police are there! Turn, you coward! Don't run from a one-armed man!

Byke. Judas, take her! (Snorkey strikes at him with oar. Byke takes oar from him and strikes him; he falls in boat. The boys hear the noise, and scramble up at back. The patrol boat appears at R., with lights.)

Snorkey. Help! Bermudas!

Ber. Hi! Ninety-ninth round! first blood for Bermudas! (Jumps at Byke.)

Byke. (Flinging Ber. off.) Judas, toss her over!

Judas throws Laura over back of pier. Ray enters L. Boys all get on pier and surround Byke, fighting him. Officers enter at L. Ray leaps into water after Laura.)


Moonlight on during Scene.