Page:Under the Gaslight.djvu/42

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see her, say to her it is she, and she alone, whom you consult and to whom you listen.

Ray. And you—

Laura. You will see me no more.

Ray. You will leave me?

Laura. Something of me will always be with you—my parting words my prayers for your happiness. (Distant music heard.)

Ray. (Falling on his knees.) O, Laura, you leave me to despair.

Laura, (C.) No; to the happiness which follows duty well performed. Such happiness as I feel in doing mine.


Scene closes in. During last of this scene the sun has set, and night come on. Stage dark.

SCENE II.Woods near Shrewsbury Station.

(Enter Byke shabbily dressed, L. 1 E.)

Byke. It's getting darker and darker, and I'm like to lose my way. Where the devil isJudas? It must be nine o'clock, and she was to be at the bend with the wagon half an hour ago. (Rumble of wheels heard.) Humph—at last.

Judas. (Entering L.) Is that you Byke?

Byke. Who did you suppose it was? I've been tramping about the wet grass for an hour.

Judas. It was a hard job to get the horse and wagon.

Byke. Give me a match. (Lights pipe and leans against a tree.) Did you get the bearings of the crib?

Judas. Yes, it is on the shore, well away from the other cottages and hotels.

Byke. That's good. Nothing like peace and quietness. Who's in the house?

Judas. Only the two girls and the servants.

Byke. How many of them?

Judas. Four.

Byke. It'll be mere child's play to go through that house. Have you spied about the swag?

Judas. They have all their diamonds and jewels there; Pearl wears them constantly; they're the talk of the whole place.

Byke. We'll live in luxury off that girl all our lives. She'll settle a handsome thing on us, won't she? when she knows what we know, and pays us to keep dark;—if t'other one don't spoil the game.

Judas. Curse her! I could cut her throat.

Byke. O, I'll iake care of that!

Judas. You always do things for the best, dear old Byke!

Byke. Of course I do. What time is it?

Judas. Not ten yet.

Byke. An hour to wait.

Judas. But, Byke, you won't peach on me before my little pet is married, will you?

Byke. What's the fool about now?

Judas. I can't help trembling; nothing is safe while Laura is there.