Page:Under the Gaslight.djvu/46

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Snorkey. It's a lie. By waving the red signal for danger, the engineer must stop, I tell you!

Signal. Do you think I'm a fool! What! disobey orders and lose my place; then what's to become of my family? (Exit R. U. E.

Snorkey. I won't be foiled. I will confiscate some farmer's horse about here, and get there before them somehow. (Byke enters at back with loose coil of rope in his hand.) Then when Byke arrives in his donkey cart he'll be ready to sit for a picture of surprise. (Byke enters L. U. E. suddenly throwing the coil over Snorkey.)

Byke. Will he?

Snorkey. Byke!

Byke. Yes, Byke. Where's that pistol of yours? (Tightening rope round his arm.)

Snorkey. In my breast pocket.

Byke. (Taking it.) Just what I wanted.

Snorkey. You ain't a going to shoot me?

Byke. No!

Snorkey. Well, I'm obliged to you for that.

Byke. (Leading him to platform.) Just sit down a minute, will you.

Snorkey. What for? (Laura appears horror struck at window.)

Byke. You'll see.

Snorkey. Well, I don't mind if I do take a seat. (Sits down. Byke coils the rope round his legs.) Hollo! what's this?

Byke. You'll see. (Picks the helpless Snorkey up.)

Snorkey. Byke, what are you going to do!

Byke. Put you to bed. (Lays him across the R. R. track.)

Snorkey. Byke, you don't mean to— My God, you are a villain!

Byke. (Fastening him to rails.) I'm going to put you to bed. You won't toss much. In less than ten minutes you'll be sound asleep. There, how do you like it? You'll get down to the Branch before me, will you? You dog me and play the eavesdropper, eh! Now do it if you can. When you hear the thunder under your head and see the lights dancing in your eyes, and feel the iron wheels a foot from your neck, remember Byke! (Exit L. H. E.

Laura. O, Heavens! he will be murdered before my eyes! How can I aid him?

Snorkey. Who's that?

Laura. It is I. Do you not know my voice?

Snorkey. That I do; but I almost thought I was dead, and it was an angel's. Where are you?

Laura. In the station.

Snorkey. I can't see you, but I can hear you. Listen to me, Miss, for I've got only a few minutes to live.

Laura. (Shaking door.) God help me? and I cannot aid you.

Snorkey. Never mind me, Miss. I might as well die now, and here, as at any other time. I'm not afraid. I've seen death in almost every shape, and none of them scare me; but, for the sake of those you love, I would live. Do you hear me?

Laura. Yes! yes!

Snorkey. They are on the way to your cottage—Byke and Judas—to rob and murder.

Laura. (In agony.) O, I must get out! (Shakes window bars.) What shall I do?

Snorkey. Can't you burst the door?