Page:Under the Gaslight.djvu/49

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for the drawers, there's where the treasure must be. Locked? (Tries them with bunch of keys) Patent lock, of course! It amuses me to see people buying patent locks, when there's one key will fit 'em all. (Produces small crowbar, and just as he is about to force the drawer, a shout is heard, and noise of wagon.) What's that? (Jumps, catching at bureau, which falls over.) Damnation!

Pearl. (Starting up.) Who's there? What's that?

Byke. Silence, or I'll kill you!

Pearl. Help! Help!

Byke. (Running to bureau for knife.) You will have it my pretty one. (Pearl runs to door L.)

Pearl. Save me! Save me! (Byke pursues her, the door bursts open and Ray and Laura enter. Byke turns and runs to balcony, and confronts Snorkey and Bermudas, who have clambered over.)

Laura. Just in time.

Ray. (Seizing Byke.) Scoundrel!

Snorkey. Hold him, Governor! Hold him. (Assists Ray to bind Byke in chair R. H.)

Ber. Sixty-sixth and last round. The big 'un floored, and Bermudas as fresh as a daisy.

Pearl. Dear, dear Laura, you have saved me.

Ray. Yes, Pearl; from more than you can tell.

Laura. No, no, her saviors are there. (Pointing to Ber. and Snor.) Had it not been for the one, I should never have learned your danger, and but for the other, we could never have reached you in time.

Snorkey. Bermudas and his fourth editions did it. Business enterprise and Bermudas' pony express worked the oracle this time.

Ber. The way we galloped! Sa-ay, my pony must have thought the extras was full of lively intelligence.

Pearl. Darling Laura, you shall never leave us again.

Ray. No! never.

Snorkey. Beg pardon, Cap'n, what are we to do with this here game we've brought down ?

Ray. The Magistrates will settle with him.

Snorkey. Come, old fellow!

Byke. One word, I beg. My conduct, I know, has been highly reprehensible. 1 have acted injudiciously, and have been the occasion of more or less inconvenience to every one here. But I wish to make amends, and therefore I tender you all in this public manner my sincere apologies. I trust this will be entirely satisfactory.

Ray. Villain!

Byke. I have a word to say to you, sir.

Snorkey. Come, that's enough.

Byke. My good fellow, don't interrupt gentlemen who are conversing together. (To Ray.) I address you, sir—you design to commit me to the care of the officers of the law?

Ray. Most certainly.

Byke. And you will do your best towards having me incarcerated in the correctional establishments of this country? (Ray bows.)

Snorkey. How very genteel!

Byke. Then I have to say if you will, I shall make a public exposure of certain matters connected with a certain young lady.

Laura. Do not think that will deter us from your punishment. I can bear even more than I have—for the sake of justice.