Page:Under the Microscope - Swinburne (1899).djvu/111

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And altogether, trimly drest
In human breeches, coat, and vest.
Looks human; and, upon the whole.
Lacks nothing, save, perchance, a soul.

For never did his gestures strike
As so absurdly human-like,
As now, when, having found with joy
Some poor old human Pedant's toy,
A microscope, he squats to view it,
Turns up and down, peers in and thro' it,
Screws up his cunning eye to scan,
Just like a clever little man!
And from his skin, with radiant features,
Selecting small inferior creatures,
Makes mortal wonder in what college he
Saw real men study entomology?

A clever monkey!—worth a smile!
How really human is his style;
How worthy of our admiration
Is such delicious imitation!
And I believe with all my might
Religion wrong, and Science right,—
Seeing a sight to slay all hope:
A monkey use a Microscope!"

Robert Buchanan.