Page:Unfortunate fair, or, The sad disaster.pdf/3

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Then ſtraight from his ſide his ſword out he drew,
And then his own body.he plung'd thro' and thro',
Saying, Deareſt Maria, ſince you can't be my bride,
I ſtill am determin'd to ly by your ſide.

Farewel to all pleaſure, my joy and delight:
O the tears that were ſhed at this ſhocking ſight;
And to see this ſad ſight thouſands did repair,
In one grave were laid this moſt beautiful pair.


THere was an auld wife had a wee pickle tow,
An' ſhe wad gad try the ſpinning o't,
She looted her down, an' her rock took a low,
And that was a bad beginning o't.
She ſac an' ſhe grat, an' ſhe ſlaet, and ſhe ſlang,
An' ſhe threw, an' ſhe blew, an' ſhe wrigl'd, an' wrang,
An' ſhe choked, an' bocked, an' cry'd like to mang,
Alas! for the dreary beginning o't.

I've wanted a ſark for theſe eight years and ten,
An' this was to be the beginning o't;
But I vow! ſhall want it for as lang again,
Or ever I try the ſpinning o't;
For never ſince ever they ca'd me as they ca' me,
Did ſic a miſhap and miſhanter befa' me,
But ye ſhall have leave baith to hang me an' draw me,
The neiſt time I try the ſpinning o't.

I ha'e kept my houſe for theſe threeſcore of years,
An' ay kept free o' the ſpinning o't,
But how I was ſarked, foul fa' them that ſpeers,
For it minds me aye o' the ſpinning o't:
But our women are now a days grown fae bra',
That ilka ane mann hae ae ſark, and ſome twa,
The warld was better when ne'er ane ava'
Had a rag, but ane at the beginning o't.

Four fa' her that ever advis'd me to ſpin,
That had been fae lang a beginning o't;
I might weel have ended as I did begin

Nor got ſae a ſkarr wi' the ſpinning o't.