Page:Ungrateful Nanny.pdf/6

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And if he has no corn to grind,
He need not stand taking of toll.

A taylor without any needles,
May sit with his seam in his hand,
And a weaver withou any waf',
Need not take his shuttle in hand.

A woman without e'er a fault,
She like a brisk star will appear ;
But a brewer without any malt,
Will make very pitiful beer.

A man that has but one shirt,
Where’er it is washed from his side,
I hope it can be no great harm,
To ly in his bed till tis dry'd.

A mountebank without his foo',
A skip-kennel turned out of place,
and a tinker without any tools,
They’re all in a pitiful case.

You know that a dish of good meat,
Is the staff and support of man's life,
But he that has nothing to eat,
Needs not for to draw out his knife.