Page:United Nations Security Council Meeting Record 2932.pdf/13

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(Mr. Fortier, Canada)

dangerous situation in Kuwait, which has been caused by the naked Iraqi invasion of its territory, There can be no question that the brutal Iraqi aggression against Kuwait is totally unacceptable and represents a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations as well as international law.

The international response to this aggression must be clear and unambiguous. The Secretary of State for External Affairs of Canada, the Right Honourable Joe Clark, earlier this morning strongly condemned the Iraqi military action against Kuwait, which he called "a totally unacceptable aggression". Mr. Clark called for the immediate cessation of hostilities and the complete and immediate withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwaiti territory.

The draft resolution now be fore us is in complete accordance with the position already adopted by the Government of Canada. For this reason, Canada has agreed to co-sponsor this draft resolution, and we hope that it will enjoy the full support of all members of the Council.

The President: I thank the representative of Canada for the kind words he addressed to me.

Mr. Blanc (France) (interpretation from French): First of all, I should like to congratulate you, Sir, on your country's accession to the presidency, and I should like to take this opportunity to thank our colleague, His Excellency Ambassador Razali, who quided our work during the month of July.

The Government of Prance has during the past few days been following with the keenest of concern the rising tension resulting from the threats made by Iraq against Kuwait. We had welcomed the efforts at Arab mediation and the holding of a first-round meeting at Jiddah between the two parties. In fact, we believe that dialogue is the only possible means for resolving the dispute between Iraq and Kuwait.